Tuesday 7 March 2017

Academics and Soccer

When venturing into the world of professional sport, a parent always has the concern of what it would mean for their Child's academic focus.

Rightly so. At CBC, the focus on Academic excellence never shifts. It is always a priority. This will never change and has always been at the forefront of our plans when putting together our Academy idea. One of SSE's key foundations lies in the focus on pupil Academic performance as well as on the pitch performance. We believe that the one cannot exist without the other. It has been closely studied that a combination of academics and physical activity is only beneficial to a child.

With this, SSE aim to keep a tight relationship to what a pupil is achieving in the class: not only in terms of academics but also behavioral terms as well. All Academy prospects will need to be made aware of this, as SSE will follow up and work with the College to monitor performances in the classroom. A player may not participate in the Academy if there are concerns in the classroom. Until this changes it will remain that way. Your child is the most important aspect of the Academy and has been so since the birth of the idea. This is a partnership, not just between CBC and SSE, but also with you, the parent.

Girls! This is an opportunity for you as well. SSE will have a number of women sides due to overwhelming feedback from many pupils at CBC. We are excited as this opportunity and look forward to working with you all.

In terms of the flyers that have been distributed: these need to be returned as soon as possible. Once we have received these flyers your child will receive a formal application/indemnity form with the full process to follow.

We wish you a spectacular sporting week.



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